OTHERWORLD – a community exhibition for the spooky season.


We are staging a community exhibition here at Erin Arts Centre, inviting open submissions from local artists, taking their inspiration from any aspect of the spooky season!

All Hallows, All Saints, Hop Tu Naa, Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead, is a time of remembrance, of honouring the ancestors and the departed, a time when the veil between this world and the Otherworld is thin, allowing the spirits to move freely between the earthly and supernatural realms. It is also the beginning of winter, the darker half of the year.

Scroll down and complete the form below to apply, or speak to Pip & Lou in the office at the EAC. Call on 835858, email hello@erinartscentre.com or simply drop in for a chat.

  • This exhibition is open to all IOM based artists of any style or age – no previous experience is required.
  • The exhibition will run from Friday 13th October until Friday 17th November 2023.
  • The deadline for applications is Friday 29th September 2023. Artwork should be brought to the Erin Arts Centre between Friday 6th October and Thursday 12th October 2023.
  • This is a community event, not a competition. All artists will receive a participation certificate and are welcome to take photos of their artwork while in the EAC.
  • Any medium is welcome – painting, photography, sculpture, video, performance. Feel free to get in touch to discuss any ideas – if we can incorporate them we will.
  • All work may be sold or made unavailable for sale at the artists discretion.
  • This is a great opportunity to showcase your talent in a friendly, encouraging environment, so come and join in!

Terms & Conditions:

  • Online submissions should be made by 4pm on Friday 29th September.
  • Completed artworks can be brought to the EAC from Friday 6th October and no later than 4pm on Thursday 12th October 2023.
  • All artwork should be ready for display – this may be framed, mounted or with relevant display method. Work should also be labelled and either priced or marked not for sale.
  • We will be hanging the exhibition on Friday 13th October. A preview/launch party will take place 6pm-7.30pm.
  • Every artist included in the exhibition will receive a certificate of participation.
  • Please bear in mind this is an all-age exhibition, open to the general public. The EAC reserves the right not to accept any work deemed unsuitable for this project.
  • The exhibition will be open to the public from Monday 16th October to Friday 17th November 2023 (free entry 10am-4.30pm, Tuesday to Friday weekly and select Saturdays).
  • Any accepted work will remain in the Erin Arts Centre for the duration of the exhibition (Friday 13th October to Friday 17th November 2023).
  • Any work sold during the exhibition, can be collected on the final day (Friday 17th November) between 10am and 4pm.
  • The EAC will take payment for any work sold and reimburse the artist within 2 weeks of the closing date
  • The EAC will receive 12.5% commission of the sale price of any work sold. This will be deducted from the reimbursement
  • Artists can collect their work on the final day of the exhibition (Friday 17th November) between 10am and 4pm.

Otherworld – application form

Section 1 – information for the exhibition

Please tick this box to confirm the information submitted in this section can be displayed alongside your work.(Required)
Is this artwork for sale?(Required)

Section 2 – information for the Erin Arts Centre

I agree that the information in this section can be held by the EAC for the duration of the exhibition.(Required)
I understand the submission information and agree to the Terms & Conditions.(Required)
I agree that the information submitted and the artwork is my own.(Required)