7 April 2025 @ 7:30 pm

Please note – tickets for this event are now sold out. Please contact John Quirk from Rushen Heritage Trust on rushenht@gmail.com or call 464634 to be added to the waiting list.
Adults £7 | RHT Friends £5
For the last in this season of talks. join us as James Frankllin from Culture Vannin takes us on a tour through some of the strange and mysterious happenings recorded in Port St Mary. Expect fairy vomit, furious ghosts, shape-shifting witches, phantom funerals, competing giants, wandering bugganes, and a terrifying hare. The talk will delve into some of the folklore available for Port St Mary, offering surprising connections, fascinating histories and ultimately, a better understanding of the Manx and their lives.
Tickets are available from the Erin Arts Centre, Rushen Heritage Centre or Bridge Bookshop in Port Erin.
For further information please email rushenht@gmail.com or call 464634.