October 31 @ 7:30 pm

Adults £6
To celebrate 50 years since it’s release and to acknowledge the death of it’s mercurial director William Friedkin, we are Hop Tu Naa screening the Directors Cut of The Exorcist.
We all know the story- 12-year-old girl (Linda Blair), daughter of a neurotic movie star (Ellen Burstyn), starts to behave diabollically and Father Merrin is summoned to help. One of the touchstones of modern horror, this evergreen masterpiece still possesses a malevolent and unsettling power.
Empire Magazine says of the Directors Cut:
‘What really makes this version worth catching on the big screen is the enhanced print. Digital cleaning has given shape and (horrific) form to the subliminal images peppered throughout. Even better, the sound, which has always obsessed Friedkin, now comes at you from all angles. From dog fights to rustling leaves, every nuance of noise contains the power to disturb.’
Come celebrate the spooky season with this stark, controlled exercise in terror. You know you want to.
UK Rating: 18