November 24 @ 7:30 pm

Adults £6/ Under 18 £2
We’ve got a big soft spot for the handcrafted, cinematic magic of Mark Jenkins here at EAC – his grainy masterpiece Bait opened our Friday Film Club back in 2021.
His second film Enys Men (Cornish for “stone island”) is a strange and disquieting study of isolation, time and landscape on a small island haunted by the history of Cornwall. Set in 1973 and shot by Jenkin on grainy 16mm colour film stock, with his trademark post-synched sound, the form feels both innovative and authentic to the period.
A wildlife volunteer’s (Mary Woodvine) daily observations of a rare flower take a dark turn into strange, metaphysical realms, forcing her (and ourselves) to question what is real and what is nightmare.
If big narratives and tight plotlines are your thing, this film may not be for you…. but if you’re prepared to sit back and be swept away by Jenkin’s vivid, visual poetry, then this ode to Cornwall’s rich folklore and natural beauty is a dark, deep and rewarding dive!